Strengths under this domain help you make things happen!
Discover each strength, its power, and its edge, and get additional insights on how you will use them to live your best life!
Strengths under the Influencing domain help you take charge, speak up, and ensure others are heard. Learn more about what they are and how to use them to succeed!
2.1 Activator
2.2 Command
2.3 Communication
2.4 Competition
2.5 Maximizer
2.6 Self-Assurance
2.7 Significance
2.8 Woo
Part 3: Relationship Building
This chapter will focus on the Relationship Building domain.
Discover how your strengths can help you build strong relationships that hold a team together.
3.1 Adaptability
3.2 Connectedness
3.3 Developer
3.4 Empathy
3.5 Harmony
3.6 Includer
3.7 Individualization
3.8 Positivity
3.9 Relator
Part 4: Strategic Thinking
Find out how you can use your strengths in the Strategic Thinking domain to fulfill your potential! In this chapter, you'll understand the strengths that will help you absorb and analyze information that informs better decisions.
4.1 Analytical
4.2 Context
4.3 Futuristic
4.4 Ideation
4.5 Input
4.6 Intellection
4.7 Learner
4.8 Strategic
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